Our Governing Body
We are lucky to have a fantastic, supportive Governing Body. They provide strategic leadership and accountability in school. It has three key functions: Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. To find out more about our Governors please look at the information below:
The Governing Body is responsible for:
- Setting the strategic direction, aims and targets for the school
- Monitoring the school against its policies, plans and targets
- Working with the Head to ensure children are making the best possible progress
- Taking general responsibility for the school’s budget
- Challenging and supporting the senior management team
- Promoting the interests of the school and its pupils in the wider community
Finance & Resource Committee
The Finance & Resource committee is responsible for the school finances and premises, including staffing and Health and Safety. They provide challenge and support to the Headteacher, scrutinising budgets, financial forecasts, spending and staffing arrangements.
Financial Information
No employee at Nun Monkton Foundation Primary School has a gross salary over £100,000 per annum.
Schools Financial Benchmarking information can be found here - https://schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk/school?urn=121721
Types of Governor
Parent Governor: Elected from parents at the school by parents at the school.
Staff Governor: Elected from staff at the school by staff at the school.
Local Authority (LA) Governors: Appointed by the Local Authority (North Yorkshire)
Co-opted Governors: Appointed by members of the Governing Body. They are intended to be representative of the local community and may add particular kinds of expertise.
Our Governing Body members are -
Mary Shackleton - Chair of Governors, Parent Governor & Link Governor for Curriculum
Angela Mitchell - Headteacher
Heather Jackson - Vice Chair, Co-Opted Governor & Link Governor for Safeguarding
Rachel Morrison - Co-Opted Governor & Link Governor for SEND/Inclusion
Melissa Stout - Parent Governor & Link Governor for Health & Safety
Natalie Moreton - Parent Governor
Melissa Parker - Associate Governor
Brenda Loades - Staff Governor
Lucy O'Farrell-Follos - LA Governor
Sue Stout - Foundation Governor & Link Governor for Wellbeing
Our Governors
Business and financial interests, attendance and committees
The Governors want to highlight the following things which we are proud of...
- Successful Ofsted inspection and outcome. The school remains ‘Good’ with a very positive report. This is a testament to staff and leaders.
- Data/SATS Results: all data was very positive and reflected the high level of achievements across school.
- Successfully returning to a ‘normal’ after the Covid 19 pandemic and still getting the results we did; and providing normality for the school through events like Harvest Festival, productions etc.
- A very successful Feast Day raising much needed funds for the school.
- Increase in numbers on roll which has led to 3 full time classes, all with their own dedicated class teacher.
- A new Headteacher in post who works tirelessly to ensure the pupils recieve the highest standard of education.
- There is a very positive feel in the village, which does affect the children/staff in the school.
- New teachers/staff are in post with a wealth and breadth of experience.
- New Governors have been appointed and the Board is working well as a team.
- A successful residential for KS2 which children and staff all enjoyed and got a lot from!
- A new shed for the Forest School and children are enjoying outdoor learning.
- Sporting competitions have which has led to children winning medals and trophies.
- Major changes in the curriculum, especially in Maths, have been successful.
- Many systems have moved online – Safeguarding, Assessments, etc. This has made the administration of many tasks much easier for staff.
- We are collaborating with other local primary schools.