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Useful information

On this page you will find information on a range of topics about school life. If you can't find what you need, please give us a call or email Mrs Addinall - sbm@nunmonkton.n-yorks.sch.uk and we will be glad to help.


If you are considering joining us, please give us a ring and arrange a visit. We love to show off what we do! The admissions policy can be found here and a link to the NYC schools admission webpage can be found here.

Our School Day

Our school gates open at 8:45am. Children come into school and begin their morning work.

The register begins at 9am and closes at 9:10am. 

The school day ends at 3:30pm

This gives a total of 32.5 hours of school each week. 

School Money System - Parent User Guide

Wraparound Care Registration and Booking Form

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