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Wraparound Provision


We are pleased to offer a range of activities before and after school. As a small, village school we are keen to support families as much as we can.

We currently offer a breakfast club every day from 8am-9am. Children are offered a range of breakfast options and a selection of activites to keep them busy.

We also offer after school clubs from 3:30pm-6pm on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Children are offered a substantial snack and are  cared for by staff until they're collected. These are based around a range of activities varying each week such as:

  • Crafts
  • Art
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Games
  • Film

The prices for breakfast club and after school club are as follows:

Breakfast Club (8-9am) - £4
After school Club (3:30-4:30pm) - £4
Wrap Around Care (3:30-6pm) - £10

*Late collection fee of £5 per child applies

If you wish to book your child into our wrap around provision, please complete a booking form and email it to Mrs Addinall:



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