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Buddies 2024

At Nun Monkton Foundation Primary School, we value relationships and the community atmosphere we strive to create. We encourage our children to nurture one another and show kindness, compassion and empathy towards one another. They value one another’s qualities, while recognising their differences.

We introduced our Buddie system in September 2020. The children from Y4/5/6 were paired with children from Nursery- Y1. They each spend time with their buddies throughout the week by completing peer reading sessions and lunchtime buddie day.

The purpose of the buddie system is to ensure that they youngest members of our school community always have a friendly face to turn to in school. It allows them to be welcomed into school quickly, aiding their transition. It also provides our oldest children with a sense of responsibility and encourages them to set the example for other pupils, but also builds their confidence.

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